How Long Do Rabbits Live for As Pets?

How long do rabbits live for as pets? So, you are a pet parent. You want to know how long your pet rabbit can live. Your pet rabbit can live long with proper care. You can talk to your vet whenever there is any confusion. If you want your domestic rabbits to live long, you must focus on a few things. A healthy diet, exercise, veterinary care, and reproductive status are determining factors. With proper care, your pet rabbit can live more than twelve years. You will have to take care of both physical and mental health.

How Long Do Rabbits Live for As Pets
How Long Do Rabbits Live for As Pets?

Apart from care, a few other things can contribute to the lifespan of your pet rabbit. Yes, some breeds live longer. The size will have a role as well. You will not get any definite answer on how long do rabbits live. However, you can go through the following to boost your pet rabbit’s lifespan and to keep your rabbit healthy.

How much does what I feed my rabbit affect its lifespan?

To keep your rabbit healthy the diet of your pet rabbits will have the deciding role. Hence, you need to take utmost care while adding any food to their diet. Pet rabbits can eat a lot of things. However, some foods can impact their sensitive digestive system. Some foods can cause health issues and lead to extreme conditions.

Therefore, you will have to choose quality hay for your bunny to ensure a healthy life. You might be aware that rabbits tend to keep eating throughout the day. If you do not provide them with something healthy, they might end up eating unhealthy foods and this will effect your pet rabbit’s lifespan.

It is worth mentioning that many pet owners take their bunnies to a vet due to stomach issues. As bunnies cannot vomit, they experience a lot of pain and discomfort when they experience a gut infection. Also, if stomach problems are frequent, it will impact the life expectancy of your bunny.

How do I ensure my rabbits will live a long life?

First of all, you will have to focus on a healthy diet including grass hay. You will have to offer enough quality hay to your bunny. Besides, you can give a small serving of vegetables and fruits occasionally as rabbit food.

Furthermore, you will have to avoid sugary treats and high fatty foods as these are a poor diet. Your bunny cannot digest bread, seeds, cereals, beans, or similar things. Also, you will have to focus on mental and physical stimulation.

Apart from all these, you will have to take care of health issues. Whenever you notice that your bunny has some health issue, you can visit your vet quickly. You should not ignore health issues since some can lead to severe problems in the later phase and effect life expectancy.

History of domesticated rabbits

History of domesticated rabbits
History of domesticated rabbits

Domestic and wild rabbits are not the same. The Latin name for your pet bunny species is Oryctolaguscuniculus. However, wild rabbits have a different name, Lepus sylvaticus. From the name itself, you might have realized that they are different.

However, they belong to the same family. Yes, you can take them as distant relatives.

Over the years, bunnies have been in use for fur and food. However, during the nineteenth century, people started keeping these bunnies as pets. Since then, bunnies have become a part of families. The reason is that these creatures are cute, friendly, and cooperative.

They can play with kids and entertain your entire family. But, they will need a bit of care for a long and happy life.

How do I keep my rabbits healthy?

How do I keep my rabbits healthy
How do I keep my rabbits healthy?

Healthy rabbits can have a long life expectancy with the correct pet care. You can follow a few things to keep your tiny friend happy and healthy. If you have a pet rabbit, first, you will have to understand its unique requirements.

It is worth mentioning that domestic rabbits live around eight years. However, your bunny can achieve a high life expectancy of more than twelve years with proper care.

Here are a few things you can go through to know the lifespan of your bunny

  • BREEDS: You might be aware of different rabbit breeds. All will have a different lifespan. However, larger ones will live shorter compared to smaller ones. Dwarf breeds live longer, and purebred bunnies will have a shorter lifespan. But, mixed breeds can live a bit longer. It is an average lifespan, and you can make a difference with care and focusing on your rabbit’s health.
  • NUTRITION: A balanced diet can make your rabbit healthy and boost its longevity. Make sure that your bunny has access to safe and quality foods. Foods will play a determining role in the health of bunnies. Any unhealthy food can make your rabbit sick and impact the overall lifespan.
  • EXERCISES: Many rabbit owners believe that rabbits do not require a lot of physical and mental stimulation. However, your rabbit needs exercise and mental stimulation to stimulate its body and mind. You will need a large cage for bunnies. For standard rabbits, you will need a place of five square feet. Also, you can allow your pet to explore your home whenever possible. Without adequate exercise, your rabbit might develop heart problems and obesity. All these will give them shorter lives.

How long do dwarf rabbits live?

How long do dwarf rabbits live
How long do dwarf rabbits live?

A dwarf rabbit lives longer compared to giant breeds. Yes, these bunnies can live up to fourteen years. You can ensure a long and healthy life with proper care.

Tips for caring for your rabbit

What specific cares do rabbits need? As mentioned earlier, your pet can stay healthy and happy with care. In addition to food and exercise, you will have to consider some other factors.

Here are a few tips you can follow to enable your rabbit to live long without experiencing severe health issues and shorter lives.

  • Clean Environment: You will have to maintain cleanliness in its cage. Rabbits make the bedding dirty every day, and if you ignore regular cleaning, their bedding can infect them. Yes, they can experience contagious diseases.
  • Neuter or Spay: If you avoid spaying, your female rabbits might experience uterine tumors. Hence, you will have to neuter or spay your rabbit to minimize the risk of these diseases.
  • Vet: You will have to visit a vet who has experience in rabbits. Otherwise, the professional might not serve you the best. Also, you can treat any health condition fast to prevent further deterioration. Overgrown teeth, uterine tumors, snuffles, and myxomatosis diseases can impact the health of bunnies.

Pet rabbit health and life span

Parasites can shorten the lifespan of rabbits without adequate treatment. Therefore, you will need to practice hygiene in the cage of rabbits. You will have to wash your hands while handling bunnies. Also, you will have to focus on regular checkups to find out any health problems.

Additionally, you can consider neutering or spaying to lengthen the lifespan of your rabbit. Female rabbits can develop uterine cancer, and male rabbits can get testicular cancer without spaying or neutering.

Rabbit Nutrition and Lifespan

Rabbit Nutrition and Lifespan
Rabbit Nutrition and Lifespan

Like any other pet, rabbits need a proper diet to stay healthy and live longer. However, your rabbitwill follow a specific diet. The diet will include quality hay, and you can use fruits as treats. Your focus should be on a healthy diet.

Otherwise, you will harm your rabbit unknowingly. An unhealthy diet can cause weight gain, stomach issues, and other conditions. All these health issues can shorten lifespan.

What role does veterinary care play in your rabbit’s well-being?

Vet care can help your rabbit to stay healthy. Your vet will treat all the health issues and prevent getting one. However, you will have to choose a reliable rabbit vet. General vets might not give the best support to your bunny or common rabbit diseases.

Therefore, you will have to ensure that the vet has the skills and experience to treat rabbit health issues.

How long will wild rabbits survive?

How long will wild rabbits survive
How long will wild rabbits survive?

Wild rabbits can live up to nine years. However, the lifespan can be shorter based on health issues and other conditions.

Rabbit breeds and life span

As mentioned earlier, a healthy rabbit can live up to eight to ten years or even more. Some rabbit breeds have a higher life expectancy than others. Mini lops and dwarf rabbits will live longer, and Flemish giants and French lops will live for a short period.

However, some breeds can experience health issues that shorten their lifespan. When a few are prone to cancer, others can experience dental diseases and duct blockage issues.

How long do unspayed pet rabbits live?

The unsprayed rabbit will live up to four to seven years. However, a spayed or neutered rabbit can live longer.

Rabbits average lifespans by size

The dwarf bunnies live the longest of up to fourteen years. A standard rabbit will live for a short period of up to ten years.

Spaying and neutering

Your rabbit can get cancer if you do not consider having them spayed or neutered. Females can have uterus cancer, and males can get testicle cancers.

Also, you might notice some aggressive behavior. Hence, you can think of neutering or spaying to boost longevity, minimize aggression of your rabbit and avoid unwanted pregnancies.

Provide exercise and enrichment

Exercise, mental enrichment, and diet will decide how long your rabbit will live.

How old can rabbits get?

Rabbits can live up to 12 or even 14 years based on the breed, size, and overall health.

Related questions:

Can a rabbit live 20 years?

No, rabbits cannot live up to twenty years.