Can Rabbit Poop Make Dogs Sick?

Can rabbit poop make dogs sick? This is a question that many dog owners ask themselves, but few are able to answer. It’s true: rabbits produce cecotropes as a result of their diet and these can contain harmful parasites for your dog.

We will discuss how to identify the symptoms of illness in your pup If they’ve eaten rabbit poop. How to cure them and what other precautions you should take if your dog is eating rabbit poop.

can rabbit poop make dogs sick
Can Rabbit Poop Make Dogs Sick

To answer the question can rabbit poop make dogs sick, the quick answer is no not really. However as mentioned above, some types of rabbit poop can contain parasites which could make your dog very ill.

If you notice that your dog is acting strangely after they’ve come in contact with rabbit feces (vomiting or diarrhea), then it’s prudent to bring them into a vet for a check over to ensure they’re ok .

Types Of Parasites Found In Rabbit Poop That Make Dogs Sick

The majority of parasites found in rabbit poop can’t make your dog sick. There are however some types that could, like anisakis larvae (a type of roundworm), which is present in about 95% of all cecotropes and can be fatal to dogs if ingested.

Parasites In Rabbit Poop


Coccidiosis is a parasitic infection caused by an organism called coccidia. Veterinarians can use the presence of this protozoan in the stool to determine whether or not your dog has consumed rabbit feces, but don’t worry – it won’t harm them! It will simply pass through the gut and come out when they poop.

If you notice that after eating rabbits droppings your dog develops gastric sensitivity or diarrhea, get him/her checked as something more sinister might be at play here…


Leptospirosis is caused by a type of bacteria called Leptospira. It most commonly affects dogs, who can contract it after coming into contact with infected rabbit feces. However, the disease is more easily transmitted through urine.

If there’s been an instance where one or two animals have urinated at the same time as defecating, then that animal has likely contracted leptospirosis too and could pass this on to your dog!

Signs that your dog has caught Leptospira are as follows:

  • Vomiting
  • Increased thirst
  • Increased urination

This is caused by the kidneys being damaged which fails to filter out toxins in urine meaning more of it will be passed through the body. This also leads to dehydration which, when coupled with high levels of toxins in your dog’s system can lead to death if not treated immediately by your vet. Antibiotics will be prescribed to help cure your dog from this illness.


Giardiasis is a parasitic infection that causes symptoms of diarrhea and foul-smelling poop. Usually, it’s not fatal unless the dog has an immune system weakened by age or illness; however, treatment must be administered quickly in order to avoid complications such as gastric inflammation or lack of appetite.

Various treatments are available depending on your pet’s needs. Oral medication for mild cases, requiring just one dose per day for 14 days (the usual course). While others may require three doses per week over 4 weeks at home care with frequent reevaluation via fecal samples by your vet periodically until they return clean results.

Signs your dog has caught Giardia are as follows:

  • Frequent vomiting that may contain blood
  • Diarrhea
  • Loss of appetite

If your dog has caught Giardia, they will need to be taken in for treatment as soon as possible. Most importantly you must throw away all the dogs bedding and toys etc to avoid the parasite re-infecting your dog.

How To Stop My Dog Eating Rabbit Poop – 3 Ways

  1. The first and most obvious way to stop your dog eating rabbit poop is to make sure that there are no rabbit droppings scattered in the yard. A quick check of your yard before letting your dog out to play might be a quick and easy solution.
  2. The second option to stop your dog eating rabbit poop is to try and put your dog off the smell of it. You can try adding a strong minty spray to any piles of rabbit poop you see in your yard. As soon as your dog goes over to the rabbit poop it will more than likely be put off by this new smell you have created.
  3. The third way is to ensure your dog already has all the correct nutrients it needs through its food. It is important to make sure your dog has an adequate amount of vitamin A in its diet. Vitamin A can counteract the effects of what might be found in rabbit poop and prevent any harm that may come from eating it. Ensuring your dog is having a tasty and healthy diet will ensure it doesn’t feel hungry or tempted to eat the rabbit poop.

Will a Puppy Get Sick From Eating Rabbit Poop?

Personally speaking i’d try to keep my puppy away from eating rabbit poop. As shown above with the risk of parasites found in certain poops, I wouldn’t want to risk my puppy consuming rabbit poop. A young dog doesn’t have the immune system a mature adult might possess and it can be more susceptible to getting an illness from rabbit poop than an adult would.

A young puppies immune system needs time to develop and they’re more likely to suffer from a parasitic infection. Many parasites have complicated life cycles that can make them difficult for even an adult’s immune system at times to break down.

Why Does My Dog Keep Rolling In Rabbit Poop?

Dogs are known for rolling in plenty of things, but one that stands out is rabbit poop. Your dog may be doing this to hide their smell from prey (this Is something that goes back years ago, where a dog would mask its smell to predators by covering itself in another scent).

Another reason for your dog displaying this behaviour is that it just loves the smell! Yes i know that sounds strange, but some dogs do actually like the smell of rabbit poop.

How To Stop My Dog Rolling In Rabbit Poop?

Yes it’s disgusting and I hate it when my dog tries to do it. I would definitely keep your dog on a lead if you can see any poop in the area. Also ensuring you teach your dog the leave it command. Every dog needs good training, and this is one command which I always teach any new dog I have. The easiest way is to avoid grassy areas. Poop is often found here, especially in fields left by rabbits.


I hope this blog post has been helpful in educating you about the dangers of your dog eating rabbit poop. Its something I would avoid my dog from eating just to be on the safe side. If you have any questions then please free to email me.